中文版 English Version

Description: Description: head Yang Ding

Assistant Professor

Mechanics Division

Beijing Computational Science Research Center


CV , CV in Chinese




2016.9 PhD student Ji Zhang joined the lab.


The research of our group focuses on the mechanics and control of locomotion. Over the course of millions of years of evolution, micro-organisms and animals have developed various strategies to move effectively in drastically different environments. As locomotion often plays crucial roles in organism’s life during foraging, mating, escaping, etc., better understanding of the locomotion can deepen our understanding of organisms. Due to the rapid advancement in robotics and the broad areas of application of bio-inspired robots, mechanisms revealed in the locomotion of organisms can also lead to novel and better designs of robots. In our group, we use theoretical and computational modeling approaches and team up with experimental physicists, biologists and roboticists to reveal the principles locomotion systems.


Ph.D. in Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011

B.S. in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2005


Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California, 2012-2014

Postdoctoral fellow, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011-2012




External Links:

Prof. Kanso's Lab

Prof. Goldman's CRAB Lab

Key words: biomechanics, locomotion, swimming, sensory-motor control, bioinspired robot